Know How

Research and development

The world of metals is a complex one. It is made up of multiple distinctive characteristics, often with a good dose of empiricism, such as problems regarding material composition, production processes and their criticalities, surface treatments, performances, machinability, homogeneity of supplies, procurement and delivery times, and minimum volumes.

Studying alternative materials and new possible processes and solutions and searching for accredited suppliers represent a daily reality at the company’s research and development department. We test the products on a regular basis under different conditions and environments to see how they fare over time and the results are used as reference both to further increase their performance and as support for our customers.

Metal drawing

Coining and Drawing are the technical names used when a metal plate is forged into a three-dimensional object, commonly through a stamping process with presses and dies.

Injection and extrusion of plastics

In injection moulding, special machines (injection presses) are used to bring a thermoplastic polymer to the molten state. The fluid is dosed and then pressure is used to push or “inject” it inside a mould, where the material cools down and hardens to a solid state, taking on the desired shape. The process takes place entirely inside a machine-mould system with no contact with the outside environment.

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Bending and wire welding

Bending and wire welding are none other than the expression of handle production technology.

These are products with low added-value, where lead times and a low labour cost impact play a key role in the value chain.

It is all about fast, automatic production while guaranteeing high technical, functional and aesthetic characteristics.

For this reason, mastery of production processes makes the difference.

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We use high-precision moulds made of selected quality materials to achieve high performance and wear resistance as well as high-performance lubricants with low contamination potential (in terms of the product itself, which must still be applied or painted, and of the environment).

In addition, thanks to our design capabilities, the products bear no sign whatsoever of the different processes undergone by the wire. These are just a few examples of how much materials and experience count on the final result.

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